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  • Writer's pictureClaire Freckleton

After Lock-Down

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

As lock-down begins to lift we are beginning to see what the future holds for aesthetic clinic’s and other non-essential services.

So here in Scotland we are taking extra precaution to ensure that our patients are kept safe. There has been no specific guidance and so each clinic is required to carry out their own risk assessment based on the facts currently available.

So what are we doing here at the goddess clinic?

To ensure patients are safe we have carried out our own risk assessment and changed our policies to reflect the limited guidance set out by the government, our insurance and health improvement Scotland.

As a nurse I feel it’s extremely important that patient safety should always be priority. There will be clinics and practitioners who are not medically trained or fall under the medical training background, who may not prepare or understand the infection-control requirements to limit the spread of coronavirus, how you can practice in line with the gold standard.

There have been a lot of companies providing training on coronavirus/infection control. However, Looking into this further it would appear that these courses only highlight basic/ common knowledge of infection control and reducing the spread of regular bacteria or virus. There hasn’t been any specific guidance or training that has or will prepare us for the changing times ahead.

As a medical professional it’s my duty to ensure all my patients are kept safe and so I have insured that I have kept up-to-date with the new information being released from the government as well as solidifying existing knowledge, gained through my nurse training and 10 years experience within the nursing field.

Through lock-down I have been working in the community returning to “hands on” nursing, as some may call it. In the last three months I have cared for several patients with COVID-19, some unfortunately succumbed to the symptoms however others came through the other side. Experience in this and seeing the personal protective equipment given to staff to care for these people I can ensure that the level of protection my patients will receive in the aesthetic clinic will be over and above what was provided in the last three months to myself and colleagues. This is in no way a negative reflection of a company I worked for and supported, however I believe that if you fail to plan you plan to fail, and so for me prevention of infection is second nature.

What can you expect when you come into clinic?

Firstly all paperwork such as consents/questionnaires will all be sent prior to your appointment. Any consultations will be carried out via video call or telephone, we will request you send photos of your concerns prior to the session.

When you receive your paperwork we will then be able to answer any questions you may have and confirm your appointment date and time.

Coming to clinic you will be expected to arrive on time. anyone arriving earlier will be required to stand outside the clinic until it is your allocated time.

Unfortunately if you arrive late we may have to cancel and reschedule your appointment. This is for your safety and the safety of others.

When entering the clinic you will be greeted by myself or one of the reception staff where you will be asked questions relating to Covid-19 signs and symptoms and also have your temperature taken.

You will be required to wear a mask and also use the hand sanitising gel provided on arrival.

If you show signs or symptoms of a possible temperature or any other symptoms of COVID-19 we will cancel your appointment and reschedule this after a period of isolation. This is to ensure you, as well as the staff and future patients are kept safe.

You will then have your photos taken and escorted to the room/clinic where you will be prepared for treatment.

You will be expected not to wear any make up any skincare product’s prior to this appointment in order to reduce any unnecessary time spent in the clinic.

We ask that you bring only the minimum number of belongings, e.g. bag/ purse.

We also ask that you come alone and please let us know if you feel anxious or require support prior to the appointment as we want to ensure your safety and are fully agreeable to the treatment.

Prior to treatment you will be reminded of the risks etc to treatment and be given a second opportunity to give consent or change your mind if you wish.

The treatment will then be carried out and you will then be escorted to pay preferably by contactless or card, please let us know if you wish to pay by cash or if you would like to pay prior to treatment.

All reviews will be carried out via video call unless you feel you have a concern which we would expect it all patient to contact the clinic prior to this appointment, or unless specified.

Will be wearing a few extra pieces of personal protective equipment, this will now all include apron gloves, eye protection, visor and a mask.

Due to the nature of the virus we are still unsure how this may impact on any specific treatments, and so we will be keeping up to date with any changes to ensure we can adapt our service accordingly.

If you would like to arrange your complimentary consultation please get in touch via social media, email or telephone

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